Changes to the IBEA Constitution and Bylaws did not make it into the IBEA Fall 2015 Reports. Please click the Read More ... button to read all the changes.

Proposed IBEA Constitution and Bylaw Changes

The following changes were recommended to the IBEA Constitution and Bylaws by the Executive Committee at their February 2015 meeting. The Board of Directors approved the recommendation of the Executive Committee at their April 2015 board meeting. The changes will now be voted on by the membership at the fall conference business meeting in November. Changes to the Constitution must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership present at a business meeting of the association. The changes deal with the selection of a treasurer, the use of the term “committee” instead of “task force”, and the inclusion of the Bousley funds in the dissolution procedure.


Section 4. The elected treasurer shall be appointed by the executive committee and approved by the board of directors and serve for a period of no less than three years and may serve no more than two consecutive terms with annual evaluation and renewal.


Section 1. No later than two months following the annual Fall Conference of the Illinois Business Education Association, the immediate past president shall appoint a nominating task force committee consisting of the three most recent past presidents who hold current membership in the Association and two members of the board who are from affiliate organizations not represented by the past presidents. It shall be the duty of this task force to nominate, as needed, the officers, members-at-large, and NCBEA State Membership Director and to submit these names to the membership at the annual Association business meeting held in conjunction with the next Fall Conference.

Section 4. Candidates for the position of secretary and treasurer shall have been active in the Association for a period of at least three years.

Section 5. Nominations for officers (except treasurer), members-at-large, and the NCBEA State Membership Director may be made by the general membership at the Association business meeting in which the slate of officers is presented by the Nominations Task Force Committee.

Section 7. The elected second vice-president, secretary, and members-at-large shall assume office at the closing session of the Association’s annual Fall Conference. The elected appointed treasurer and elected NCBEA State Membership Director shall assume office on July 1 of the year in which the appointment/election occurs. is held.


Section 3. Upon dissolution of IBEA, the assets remaining after payment of or provision of debts and liabilities shall, consistent with the purposes of IBEA, be deposited along with the balance of the Dora J. Beattie Scholarship Fund and Gloria Bousley Funds with a community foundation dedicated to the advancement of business education, in order that business education scholarships can continue to be given. If such organization does not exist or is no longer a charitable entity as defined herein then to such other charitable organization or organizations organized an operated exclusively for scholarship purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.


Section 1.  The president shall appoint each member-at-large to a standing task force committee.


Section 1.  Each affiliate representative shall be expected to chair or to serve on a task force committee of the Association.


Section 2.  The executive director shall chair the Audit and IBEA Policies and Procedures Handbook task forces committees.


Section 2.  Each ex-officio member shall chair or serve as a member of at least one Association task force committee or perform the duties specified in the appointment.


Section 1.   Standing task forces committees shall be created to carry out the regular business and activities of the Association.

Section 2.   Any board member may recommend a new standing task force committee when doing so will facilitate or enhance the operation of the Association.

Section 3.   New standing task forces committees must be approved by the board, but they may be temporarily assigned by the president when circumstances require prompt action. The new task force committee should then be approved at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

Section 4. The president may appoint an ad hoc task force committee to carry out special or short-term projects.

Section 5. A standing task force committee may be eliminated with approval of the board.