Eastern Illinois Business Education Association

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EIBEA Spring 2005 Meeting Summary:

  • The spring meeting of EIBEA was held at Eastern Illinois University, on Wednesday, March 30, 2005.

  • Spring Meeting Program -- We enjoyed a lively, informative presentation regarding student organizations from three individuals: Susie Weir, regarding her experiences as a long-time FBLA advisor at her high school; Ashley Fritschle, regarding her involvement as President of Pi Omega Pi; and Scott Rhine, regarding his experience with advising a community college, local (non-national organization) for computer majors, entitled Club IT.

  • EIBEA Teacher of the Year Award—Rob Boyars, Awards chair recognized our Outstanding Teacher of the Year, Jim Luedke, who has taught at both the high school level and at Lake Land College for many years. Jim was described as trustworthy, relaxed, kind, caring, a master teacher, a valued leader, and a dynamic educator. Congratulations Jim!

  • Scholarship Awards--Cheryl Staley, member of the scholarship committee, reported that we have three potential scholarships of $200 each: one to a high school student interested in pursuing business education, one to a community college student majoring in business education, and one to a student attending a university and majoring in business education. This year’s winner of the community college student award was Phillip Webster, a Lake Land College student, who will transfer to EIU and major in Business Education. No ominations were received for high school or university students.
    • Lillian Greathouse, retired EIU professor, has set up a scholarship for new freshman in Business Education. Another scholarship has been established in the memory of Jim Price, to be awarded to a PBL member majoring in Business Education. Be sure to nominate any deserving students.

    2005 Spring EIBEA Business Meeting Documents
    - Click the link below to open a "word" version of each document.

EIBEA website designed and maintained by: Marcy Satterwhite msatterw@lakeland.cc.il.us 2005©