Eastern Illinois Business Education Association

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EIBEA Spring 2008 Meeting Info:

  • The Spring 2008 meeting of EIBEA was Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL
  • We enjoyed a delicious dinner served by the Eastern Student's from the family and consumer science department and then had a short business meeting followed by an enlightening discussion on "the Future of Business Education".

  • EIBEA Spring 2008 Program-- "The Future of Business Education" We broke up into groups and had an interactive discussion on this important topic
  • Shasta Bennett is the 2008 EIBEA Teacher of the Year!

EIBEA Teacher of the Year Award Winner Shasta BennettShasta has been very active in the business education field throughout her teaching career. 

She was nominated by fellow EIBEA member and co-worker Amie Mayhall. 

Congratulations Shasta!


2008 Student Scholarship Winners—EIBEA gives three $200 scholarships each year to deserving students in our region (one high school, one community college, and one EIU student). This year’s winners are:

eibea spring scholarship winners

    • Ashley Ulrey from
      Lake Land College
  • Brianne Hayes from
    Eastern Illinois University
  • No nominations were received
    from a High School


2008 Spring EIBEA Business Meeting Documents
- Click the link below to open a "pdf" version of each document.

Spring 2008 Minutes - Spring 2008 Treasurer Report