2024 Fall Conference Logo

Dora J. Beattie Fall Conference Student Stipend

If you are a student member of the Illinois Business Education Association and are planning to attend the Illinois Business Education Association's annual conference, you are eligible for a Dora J. Beattie Conference Stipend. Up to 10 stipends may be awarded based on the scholarship committee's discretion. Students must be registered for the conference in order to receive the stipend and must commit to attending activities both Thursday and Friday. The stipends will be presented at the conference's Friday luncheon.

If you would like to apply for the Dora J. Beattie Conference Stipend, please complete this form and click the Submit button below. Applications must be received by October 15 of the current year. No applications will be accepted after the deadline. Recipients will be notified by October 22 of the current year.

Please enter the phone number in the following format: +1(XXX)XXX-XXXX.

Attending the IBEA Fall Conference will benefit me in the following ways:

Statement of Understanding

I understand that I will receive the stipend only if I am registered for both days of the IBEA Fall Conference and attend the presentation ceremony on Friday at the IBEA Fall Conference. I further understand that to be eligible, I must be a student member of IBEA. I also understand that submitting this application does not guarantee that a scholarship will be awarded.

By clicking the submit button below, you are sending your information via e-mail to the IBEA Scholarship Chair to apply for a Dora J. Beattie Conference Stipend for the IBEA Fall Conference.

A copy of this form submission will be e-mailed to you, the IBEA Webmaster, and stored in the IBEA website database until the Fall Conference is completed.

When you click the submit button, your form will be processed. A successful form submission will redirect you to the home page of the IBEA website. If you receive a page of errors, please contact the Webmaster at: webmaster@ibea.org.